
We are a BULK BILLING Practice for most of your Skin Cancer-related checks and procedures.

We are a team of highly trained and dedicated medical practitioners specializing in the diagnosis and treatment of skin cancer. Your health and well-being are our top priority, and we are committed to providing comprehensive care for the early detection and treatment of skin cancer. Our services encompass a wide range of diagnostic and treatment options, including:

Bulk billing for :

  • Whole body skin cancer check up.
  • Cryotherapy
  • Electrodesiccation & curettage of skin cancer
  • Biopsy (punch,shave or excision )
  • Excision of any skin cancer including melanoma
  • Flap & skin graft surgery
  • LASER removal of sun spots

Private billing services:

  • Photodynamic Therapy (PDT) – Out of pocket cost start from $300
  • Cosmetic removal of moles and skin tags – Out of pocket cost start from $100
  • Botox – $15.40 per unit